Thanks a lot for your good works in exposing these important information to the non-Chinese reading public.

Just want to clarify a few facts:-

1. NCCC is not the organization that fight for the head tax redress. It is CCNC (Chinese Canadian National Council 平權會). Please refer to http://www.roadtojustice.ca/redress-campaign/ccnc. NCCC was established only in the late nineties or early 2000 by pro-CCP guys.

2. Not David Choi nor Hilbert Yiu were advocating for the head tax redress. It’s only after the success of the fight by head tax descendants with the support of CCNC and some community human rights activists, and the then Harper government offered apology at the Parliament, NCCC, David Choi, Hilbert Yiu and the like came out to claim the credits.

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Thank you for the comment Thekla! I've updated the post with the information you provided.

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Isn’t that Elder Larry Grant in the pic with Robertson? Sheesh.

Thanks as always for the great work.

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